Darwin 'only port' for Honeymoon uranium exports
Friday, 1 September, 2006
ABC NT Local News
The board of mining company Uranium One has approved the Honeymoon mine, in South Australia's far north-east.
It is waiting on final environmental approval but the company is confident of getting that before production starts.
Northern Territory Minerals Council chief executive Kezia Purick says it is likely yellowcake will be put on a train from Adelaide to Darwin, to be exported out of the Top End's main port.
"I'm sure it'll be welcome business to the Port of Darwin," he said.
"I don't know exactly what quantities we're talking about but I'm sure the port would be adequately equipped with the relevant facilities and have the shipping companies come in to collect the commodity."
"This company's product, the uranium oxide, may well have to be put on the train from Adelaide through to Darwin and be exported over our port, because Darwin's habour, Darwin's port is the only port in Australia that can export uranium product, the uranium oxide."