Hale to fight own party against nuclear dump
As speculation mounts that a nuclear waste dump will be located in the Northern Territory, MP Damian Hale says he will "fight tooth and nail" to prevent it happening.
The Federal Resources Minister, Martin Ferguson, is expected to make an announcement regarding the waste dump in the coming days.
But Mr Hale, the Labor Member for Solomon, says he is prepared to do whatever it takes to stop a waste dump being built in the Territory.
"I'm quite prepared to go against the wishes of the Minister and of the bureaucracy that have put this if that is the decision that comes forward," he said.
"We will fight tooth and nail."
He said Muckaty Station near Tennant Creek has received much of the attention.
"Muckaty Station has been one of those areas that have been spoken about more and more but the science didn't add up for Muckaty at the start," he said.
"Really, I think it's come down to the fact that state governments have said, 'No, we need to find a place'.
"And the Northern territory is obviously, because the Commonwealth can come in and basically stand over us, it looks as if they are going to try to, if it comes to that ... to try to stand over us."
Mr Hale is meeting with Mr Ferguson on Monday to discuss the matter.
"I would be happy enough to debate this in Parliament and put forward a private member's motion that we do not support a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory."
The Australian Conservation Foundation expects the Government to reveal the location of the dump next week.
The Government has so far failed to deliver on its election promise to repeal legislation which has the power to force a waste dump on the Territory.
The ACF's Dave Sweeney says the only sites still under consideration are in the Territory.
"I would put my money that Minister Ferguson will try and bulldoze through the imposition of a waste site at Muckaty at Tennant Creek," he said.
"And I think if he goes down that path and if Federal Labor allows the Minister to break with clear policy we will be in deeply contested territory."
Mr Sweeney says the Commonwealth has entered into an agreement regarding the facility with the Northern Land Council but that agreement is being kept confidential.
He believes Mr Hale will lose his seat if the waste facility goes ahead.
"If a dump is put in the Territory, I think there will be a massive backlash and I think Damian Hale will be in a lot of trouble," he said.
"There is no wisdom in imposing a contested nuclear waste dump against people's wishes."
The Territory's Labor Senator, Trish Crossin, says she is not aware of any announcement next week about the location of a waste dump.
She says the Federal Government still intends to repeal the Radioactive Waste Management legislation which could force a facility onto the Territory.
"I'm not aware that we're going to announce the site," she said.
"I'm aware that we are going to announce new legislation and a process.
"The exact details of that process I can talk to you about more next Monday."