Labor misled the NT on radioactive waste dump

Senator Scott Ludlam
The Australian Greens

The Australian Greens say Resources Minister Martin Ferguson misled the Northern Territory and all Australians by failing to reveal that his government's new National Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2010 overrides the rights of states and territories.

Section 11 of the bill explicitly overrides any state or territory laws that would hinder site selection. Section 12 then eliminates Aboriginal interests (the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984) and green interests (the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999). Section 13 eliminates the property rights of any individual unlucky enough to be in the path of the dump or its access corridors.

"If anything, this is more coercive than the Howard government legislation. It is a legislative battering ram that squarely lines up the Northern Territory as the target for the nation's radioactive waste," said Greens nuclear spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam.

"The remaining provisions in the bill tabled in the House of Representatives today vest total discretion in the hands of the Minister to pursue the sole current nomination at Muckaty Station not far from Tenant Creek in the NT.

"This is going to be enormously stressful and divisive for the people on the front line in the Territory.

"The Greens will bring full scrutiny to bear by moving for a full inquiry to truly test Mr Ferguson's claims that it is provides proper process, consultation, and transparency," Senator Ludlam said.

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