Fallout over NT nuclear dump site
Dianne Stokes says the Rudd government's decision to push ahead with plans to dump nuclear waste on the red-soil land north of Tennant Creek has caused trouble in her Warlmanpa tribe. ''People have given away land that doesn't belong to them … now there is big trouble among us,'' she said.
For centuries, Aboriginal clans followed their dreaming across the low scrub land that became known last century by white people as Muckaty cattle station. Now, some members of one of those clans have agreed to allow Australia's first national waste dump to be established on 1.5 square kilometres of land they claim is theirs in return for $12 million, most of it in cash.
The terms of the agreement remain secret - even some members of the Ngapa clan who might share the money have not been given a copy.
Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson revealed this week the government plans to pursue Muckaty as its nuclear dump site, saying it is the only place in Australia that had been ''volunteered''. He introduced legislation that gives the government power to override a threat by the Northern Territory to block the dump at Muckaty, an earthquake-prone area 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.
If the dump - or radioactive waste repository as bureaucrats call it - is built, about 4000 cubic metres of waste that has been accumulating in small stores in southern states during the past 50 years would be transported there, by rail or road. Trucks would relocate 2000 cubic metres of radioactive soil from the Woomera defence area in South Australia. Stockpiles of waste from Sydney's Lucas Heights reactor would be transported through dozens of cities and towns to reach the dump site, 10 kilometres from the busy Stuart Highway and eight kilometres from where people live at the station homestead.
In 2015 and 2016, about 32 cubic metres of highly radioactive waste from the reprocessing of spent research reactor fuel that Australia has sent to Scotland and France over decades is planned to be transported to Muckaty, probably via ships docking at Darwin Harbour, 1000 kilometres to the north.
Mr Ferguson is determined to push ahead with Muckaty despite strong objections from environmental and indigenous groups, the NT government and some Labor federal MPs who object to a dump being imposed on the territory.
The story of how some members of a small Aboriginal clan came to agree to allow nuclear waste to be dumped on their land in remote Australia began in late 2005 when Norman Fry, the then chief executive of the Northern Land Council, met Canberra bureaucrats who were assessing three possible defence-owned sites in the territory.
Questions were asked at the time about the relevance and conduct of the NLC, which represents indigenous groups in the Top End.
Mr Fry invited the bureaucrats to address the NLC's full council meeting at a beach resort near Darwin. After a half-day presentation, several elders of one of three Ngapa clans told the NLC they were interested in offering their land for the site. One of them, Amy Lauder, who sits on the NLC, said in 2007 her people's acceptance of the deal was right, despite protests from other clans owning Muckaty, which was handed back to traditional owners in 1995 after a long court battle.
''Other clans can speak for their country, not our Ngapa country,'' she said.
Ron Levy, the NLC's senior legal counsel, insisted there was overwhelming support for the dump from Ngapa people with the authority to make decisions regarding the land, based on the still-secret findings of three NLC-employed anthropologists.
But Marlene Bennett, a Muckaty traditional owner, said that two, possibly three people ''took it upon themselves to speak for the rest of the tribe and clans''. She said some clan members were asked to sign a piece of paper at a meeting but did not know what it was for.
David Ross, director of the Central Land Council, which represents some clans whose land straddles Muckaty, warned this week that building the dump there would cause ''ongoing disputation and social problems'' among the local indigenous groups.
Dave Sweeney, a nuclear expert with the Australian Conservation Foundation, said no comparable country had a national radioactive waste policy based on secret documents and agreements.