Push for senators to visit nuclear dump site

ABC NT Local News

The Greens say a Senate inquiry into the proposed Northern Territory radioactive waste dump has the potential to stop it from going ahead.

The Federal Government has named Muckaty Station near Tennant Creek as its preferred location for the facility.

Senator Scott Ludlam says the inquiry, due to report at the end of April, is likely to provide strong evidence against the dump.

"I'm going to push very hard for us to come to the Territory, for us to get up to Muckaty and actually look those people in the eye and take evidence directly from them," he said.

"It becomes something that people can rally around and then we can actually get some evidence and put to the Government that there's a better way forward.

"Now if the Government or the major parties chose to ignore that advice, then that takes us to the next stage of the fight."

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