Nuke dump site offers should be considered: Abbott

Anna Henderson
ABC News Online

The Federal Opposition says other groups should be able to put forward their interest in hosting a national nuclear waste dump.

The Federal Government is pursuing Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory as the site for the dump, with a final decision still subject to environmental and scientific testing.

Muckaty Station is the Government's favoured option because traditional landowners have offered the site in exchange for compensation.

The Labor Government says it is aware of interest from other groups in the Northern Territory and elsewhere in Australia to take on the facility.

Tony Abbott says others should have the opportunity be considered.

"If people want to use their land there's no reason why they shouldn't put their hands up and say this is something that we'd like to do," he said.

"But in the end I think we only really need one nuclear waste repository, I'm not sure that we need several."

The Resources Minister, Martin Ferguson, says if environmental and scientific studies mean the Muckaty Station site cannot proceed, he is confident another site will be found to store Australia's nuclear waste.

"I've got a view that if the Muckaty nomination is not appropriate then I'll actually call for further nominations of land.

"Let's just say around Australia I am quietly confident there are a number of traditional owners who, including in the Northern Territory, who would like to explore this."

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