Senate inquiry should go to Tennant Creek: pastoralist

Lorna Perry
ABC Rural - Northern Teritory

Currently select members of the Senate in Canberra are taking a look at the Federal Government's proposed legislation that could see a nuclear waste dump being forced on the Northern Territory.

The official deadline for submissions to the inquiry closed last night and around 200 have been lodged.

The inquiry will host hearings in Darwin and Canberra, but not Tennant Creek which is only 120 kilometres south of Muckaty Station, currently the only site on the table for a waste dump.

Geoff Murrell has been manager for seven years at Helen Springs Station, which borders Muckaty and he's put in a submission to the Senate inquiry.

As part of the submission, he detailed that he's been called out to a number of long haul accidents on the Federally owned Stuart Highway only four kilometres from the station homestead.

Mr Murrell also says the site sits on a fault line and the presence of nuclear waste could present a risk to the local area of terrorism threats.

He's disappointed that there won't be a Senate inquiry hearing in Tennant Creek, especially given the Minister expressed that he wanted there to be a proper consultation process.

"It is ironic. Is it a surprise? Probably no."

It's roughly a 900 kilometre journey for people wanting to get to Darwin from Tennant Creek and Mr Murrell says he won't be making the journey because it'll be right in the middle of mustering.

"We're not going to have time to get there and be part of that process and in that sense, [we] put in the submission."

If it comes down to the legislation being passed in Parliament and a nuclear waste dump being forced on the Territory, the manager of Helen Springs isn't so sure what his next move will be.

"I know my wife said she's not bringing her kids up beside a nuclear waste facility, so I'd probably be here batching for a while till I decide what I need to do.

"I just hope the Government doesn't railroad us."

The Canberra hearing is on March 30, the Darwin hearing will be April 12 and the committee's report is to be tabled at the end of April.

In this report: Geoff Murrell, manager, Helen Springs station

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