Protesters ejected from Senate nuclear inquiry


Protesters have been ejected from a Senate inquiry hearing on a nuclear waste dump to be built in the heart of Australia.

A Senate committee is examining the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2010.

With the bill, Labor kept an election promise to repeal coalition legislation to build a dump, and put in place a new process.

But critics say Labor merely rebadged the coalition's policy because finding a new site for the dump was too difficult, and they have attacked the consultation process.

As the committee took a short break on Tuesday, a handful of young people dressed in corporate attire emerged from the public gallery.

The Australian Conservation Foundation's David Sweeney, who was at the hearing, said the group called out "repeal the bill", and held up signs with slogans to the same effect.

Mr Sweeney, who will give evidence at the hearing on Tuesday, said security guards peacefully removed the protesters from the room.

The protesters were not associated with ACF.

The government is considering Muckaty Station, 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, for the dump site, after it was nominated by some of its traditional owners.

The hearing earlier heard from representatives from the Northern Land Council, and Ngapa elder Amy Lauder.

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