Long term radiation from possible dump needs attention

Alex Johnson
ABC News Online

The deputy chair of the Senate committee examining the proposed national nuclear waste dump near Tennant Creek says the management of long-term radiation needs more attention.

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Agency made a submission about the need to carefully consider radiation guidelines for decades to come.

Tasmanian Liberal Senator Guy Barnett said the Senate committee would work to ensure that the radiation management regimes remain strong.

"So that is an area that obviously we will need to have careful review of and scrutiny of as a Senate committee," Senator Barnett said.

"I think that is something that perhaps has not been given a lot of consideration to date.

"So in the weeks ahead we will need to get our head around that."

Senator Barnett said he would also be making sure local stakeholders are considered.

A submission from the Australian Centre for Environmental Law says there is a need for procedural fairness to ensure the interests of traditional owners and the Territory government are considered when making decisions on the waste dump.

"The issue of procedural fairness is something that is important to protect the rights of individuals, key stakeholders, the Northern Territory Government, traditional landowners as well," Senator Barnett said.

"So I think there is some points that have validity and they will need to be tested in the weeks ahead."

The Northern Land Council says traditional owners of the proposed site could be exploited if details of an anthropological study are made public.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam has called for the release of all relevant documents held by the NLC on the proposed site at Muckaty Station.

The head of the NLC, Kim Hill said he told Mr Ludlam at the inquiry yesterday he has good reasons for keeping the study confidential.

"We will not release documentation to anyone who raises concerns about traditional ownership of lands in NLC region," Mr Hill said.

"There are scrupulous people out there who will take advantage of traditional owners, and everybody seems to be traditional owner these days."

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