'Bastard' UFOs not up for beer
UFOS have returned to stalk the site of the proposed NT nuclear waste dump.
Muckaty Station manager Ray Aylett said he saw strange lights flying in the sky over his property two Monday nights ago.
"I was hanging the washing out on the line about 7.30pm," he said. "I looked up to the west and saw it.
"It was there for a while. I ran inside to grab my camera but (then) it was gone."
Mr Aylett said the light was pulsing just above the horizon.
"This thing, you could see the cloud behind it," he said.
It is the second time Mr Aylett has spotted UFOs since the announcement the federal Government was planning its nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station.
But he said the alien visits had nothing to do with the dump. "They have been there a long time before the dump started," he said.
"They always come around at this time of the year, but the bastards won't come near me and have a steak or a beer."