McCarthy challenges NLC to debate Muckaty dump
A Northern Territory politician has challenged the Northern Land Council chief executive to a public debate over the proposed nuclear waste dump site near Tennant Creek.
Traditional owners have given consent for a dump to be established at Muckaty Station north of Tennant Creek.
But the Member for Barkly Gerry McCarthy said he and most of his electorate, including some other traditional owners, are against the move.
Mr McCarthy said he did not believe the Northern Land Council's chief executive, Kim Hill was properly representing the wishes of all the Indigenous people in the region.
"I have challenged Mr Hill to a debate, I welcome that, and that can happen anywhere," Mr McCarthy said.
Mr Hill told a Senate Inquiry examining the proposed dump site, that the local member and other politicians were dividing Aboriginal people on the issue, and their comments were promoting violence amongst indigenous people.
In a statement, Kim Hill said Gerry McCarthy had no say in how the Northern Land Council operates.
He said Mr McCarthy needed to debate a nuclear waste dump with the Federal Resources Minister, Martin Ferguson, not the Northern Land Council.
More than two hundred people staged a protest on Saturday against the proposal for Muckaty Station.
Human Rights' lawyer George Newhouse said many of the traditional owners are now exploring their legal options, believing they have been shut out of the consultation process.
"The evidence we heard does lead us to question whether a proper process was followed," Mr Newhouse said.
"The elders we spoke to ... certainly said they were not informed and didn't give their consent ... you have to ask questions about that process."
Mr Newhouse said the Northern Land Council had so far ignored opposition from other local indigenous groups.
"It beggars belief that you can represent a group of people at Muckaty and say they have given their consent ... when leaders and elders of family groups say they never gave their consent," Mr Newhouse said.
"They say they woke up one day to find that their birthright had been sold for a morsel of meat."