Lawyers confident over Muckaty legal challenge

Katrina Bolton
ABC Message Stick

Lawyers planning to challenge a waste dump at Muckaty Station near Tennant Creek say if what they have been told is correct, they should be able to have the decision overturned.

George Newhouse was one of three lawyers from around Australia who met traditional owners in Tennant Creek over the weekend.

Some traditional owners say they have a claim to the land the Federal Government is considering, but were not consulted about the site's nomination.

Mr Newhouse says a lot of people came to protest against the nuclear facility.

"I would have to imagine that was the largest demonstration in the history of Tennant Creek," Mr Newhouse said.

Mr Newhouse says it may take a week or two for the lawyers to consider what they have been told, but he says legal proceedings could move quite quickly.

He says the lawyers are most likely to try a challenge in the Federal Court and would be seeking an injunction.

"It may be that the process of nominating was so flawed that we can attack it on other bases, denial of natural justice, unfairness those sorts of things," he said.

"It is too early to say what our claims may be, but I certainly wouldn't suggest that there are no rights to take this matter forward."

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