Nuclear protest targets PM

Johanna Liddle
QUT News

Friends of the Earth and the Queensland Nuclear Free Alliance rallied this morning showing their support of the Senate Inquiry into the proposed dumping site on Muckaty station.

Armed with mock waste barrel and a letter from the traditional owners of the Land, the group had a message for the Prime Minister: How would you like it?

Sam Watson, Aboriginal Community Worker: “The people of the Northern Territory the owners and custodians of the land do no want this toxic waste to come back onto their land.”

The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill proposes a dump site only 10 kilometers away from four town camps and above a water basin.

Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says the Bill is necessary to ensure Australia can meet its international obligations to safely dispose of nuclear waste.

But protesters, say a nuclear dump does more harm then good.

Sam Watson, Aboriginal Community Worker: “We want our political leaders in election year, we want Mr Rudd to hear what we’re saying, we are Australians, we are parents, we are grandparents, leave this poisonous stuff in the ground.”

Robyn Taubenfeld, Nuclear Free Protester for Friends of the Earth: “It’s not an acceptable thing to do, not here, not there, not at Muckaty, nowhere we say no.”

The Senate Inquiry met with Traditional Owners in Darwin today and are expected to release their findings by the end of the month.

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