Clans challenge plan for N-waste dump
A FEDERAL government proposal to build a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory faces a fresh challenge from Aboriginal land owners who claim their "dreaming" and traditional laws overlap the nominated site.
Senior elders from five clans that own Muckaty Station, where the Rudd government wants to build the dump, have briefed lawyers to mount a legal challenge to the nomination of the site by one family group that has been offered $12 million.
Muckaty is the only site being considered for the dump, needed to store nuclear waste that has been accumulating around Australia for 50 years. Further radioactive waste from the reprocessing of spent research reactor fuel that Australia has sent to Scotland and France for decades, must be returned to Australia in 2015 and 2016.
In a submission to a Senate committee yesterday, elders from the Ngapa, Milwayi, Ngarrka, Yapayapa and Wirntiku clans rejected a claim by the Northern Land Council that one Ngapa clan has the exclusive rights to say yes or no to the nomination.
They said the findings of a Land Commissioner's report, released in 1997 when Muckaty was handed back to indigenous owners, shows their traditions and dreaming overlap the site 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek. They also cited anthropological reports and detailed knowledge handed down through centuries to back their claim.
The elders told the committee they were excluded from anthropological investigations undertaken for the nomination.
Some Muckaty owners who travelled 1000 kilometres to Darwin to give evidence to the committee wore T-shirts depicting their snake "dreaming".
"The senators can see from the drawings where we belong and what the country means to us," said Diane Stokes, the group's spokeswoman.
The elders challenged an anthropological report commissioned by the NLC that purports to show that one Ngapa family group has the right to nominate the site. The report, which has been sent to Canberra, has not been made public.
Amy Lauder, the Ngapa clan's spokeswoman, told an earlier Senate committee hearing five clan groups had "dreaming" on Muckaty but she insisted her family group had the right to nominate the 1.5-square-kilometre site. "It is our decision and it is our land, so we nominated our land.''