Nuke dump nomination process divisive: Greens

Sally Bothroyd
ABC News Online

It is clear something went wrong in the consultation process regarding the nomination of Muckaty Station as a nuclear waste dump, the Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says.

A Senate inquiry into the Federal Government's proposed Radioactive Waste Management Bill wrapped up its public hearings in Darwin yesterday.

It plans to deliver its recommendations by the end of the month.

During its inquiry, the committee heard from different groups of traditional owners, some of whom were for and some of whom were against the Muckaty site, which is located about 100 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.

Senator Ludlam says he supports an idea from the Central Land Council that all interested Indigenous groups get together to resolve the situation.

"It's very clear from the evidence that we've been taking now for a number of years that the process has broken down very seriously," Senator Ludlam said.

"And it's actually proven very divisive, that there's a substantial majority of people, traditional owners from the Tennant Creek area and the Barkly who are strongly opposed to the waste dump."

The Territory's Labor Senator, Trish Crossin, says it is clear that there is a dispute over the process to nominate sites for a national nuclear waste storage facility.

Senator Crossin, who chaired the Senate inquiry, says it is a complicated issue.

"If this is the legislation that is going to put a nuclear waste facility in this country forever, for once and for all, we certainly want to make sure that it's done with the consent of people that [are] going to be affected by this," she said.

"[And] with the consent, I think, of governments concerned and that the community is in agreement with this."

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