Government's radioactive whitewash makes a mockery of Senate scrutiny: Greens

Senator Scott Ludlam
The Australian Greens

The Federal Government has used a Labor led Senate committee to whitewash a report into its plan to establish Australia’s first ever national radioactive waste dump, the Australian Greens say.

“This makes a mockery of the Senate’s role to scrutinise important legislation,” Australian Greens nuclear spokesperson Scott Ludlam said today.

“Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming to actually hold an inquiry and refused to hold a hearing at Tennant Creek, the major town near the only nominated site, Muckaty Station.

“Now it’s used its Labor majority committee to ignore the overwhelming evidence from over 230 submissions to rubber stamp its plan to impose this controversial waste dump on an unwilling community.

“We are extremely dismayed the committee chose to snub many sensible and considered Greens suggestions to make the report reflective of the actual evidence heard throughout the inquiry.

Main concerns:

·       No procedural fairness or judicial review for Muckaty nomination, which is disputed and opposed by the people of the NT

·       Overrides State and Territory laws, Aboriginal heritage and environmental protection laws

·       Fails to uphold international best practice by not properly consulting and unscientific

·       Gives the Minister excessive discretionary power to have the final say with no rights of appeal


“Something as important as building a nuclear waste dump should be done through a proper scientific, accountable, transparent and consultative process, as Labor promised.

“Instead the government has deliberately avoided the opportunity to improve this uniquely flawed bill, and produced a weak and unbalanced justification for a foregone conclusion.


“However the opposition to this plan will not be silenced by procedural trickery. The Greens will continue to look at all avenues to ensure a proper and fair process,” Senator Scott Ludlam said.

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