Greens using amendments to delay radio active waste legislation

Lorna Perry
ABC NT Country Hour

The Federal Government's legislation which could see nuclear waste dumped at Muckaty Station near Tennant Creek is almost certain to be passed when it comes before the Senate.

But the main opponents of it in the Parliament the Australian Greens are determined to make the process as difficult as possible for the Government

The senate inquiry found the laws should be passed but the Greens have tabled a dissenting report.

The Greens Senator Scott Ludlam who was behind that opposing report concedes that the legislation will almost certainly be passed as the Coalition would most likely back the government.

The Greens plan for amendments to make it as fair as possible to make sure that there are "opportunities and that there is some accountability and transparency in the process" for people in the Northern Territory.

He is hopeful that the Coalition may look at supporting some of the Green's amendments after concerns raised by the Opposition during the senate inquiry.

"They [Coalition] raised some issues that we thought had merit, they raised some concerns that we believe should be enacted."

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