Labor reneges on nuclear waste promise
Before the 2007 election, federal Labor promised a new approach to the management of radioactive waste, characterised by international best practice, full community consultation and consent. It promised to restore transparency, accountability, procedural fairness and legal redress.
Its approach would be unlike that of the Howard government's, by adopting a "consensual process of site selection" with "agreed scientific grounds for determining suitability" and "community consultation and support".
And it was scathing of the Howard government's legal framework – the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act. Senior ALP figures lined up in the Senate like planes above Sydney to denounce the laws as "sordid", "arrogant" and "draconian".
Expectations were high but delivery has been woefully low. In late February 2010 the stridently pro-nuclear Resources Minister, Martin Ferguson, broke two years of silence to introduce Labor's "new" approach.
The big news was that the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act had morphed into the National Radioactive Waste Management Act. Instead of the promised repeal we got a cynical repackaging.
Labor's proposed recycled law fails to restore procedural fairness and appeal rights, suspends the application of key indigenous and environmental protections and overrides all Commonwealth, state and territory laws that might delay or frustrate the opening of a waste dump.
What a difference three years makes: Churchill in opposition, Chamberlain in government.
Last Friday – conveniently after business hours – a Senate inquiry gave a green light for this cut-and-paste legislation to be considered by Parliament, despite growing indigenous and wider community opposition and the bill's non-compliance with Labor's radioactive waste policies and promises.
There is only one site in Australia under consideration to host Ferguson's radioactive waste dump – Muckaty, in the Northern Territory.
The Howard government first nominated Muckaty, 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek, as one of four possible sites for a nuclear waste dump in September 2007.
It was a controversial choice then and remains so now. The federal government secured a "voluntary nomination" from the Northern Land Council and one Aboriginal family group. The terms of that agreement have never been made public.
While some members of the Muckaty Land Trust support a national waste dump in return for cash benefits and access to improved services, many do not.
The recent Senate inquiry perpetuated this selective hearing when it claimed the Muckaty nomination was voluntary, despite acknowledging that the committee "did not have access" to the key legal or anthropological documents.
No other OECD nation, in 2010, would allow a "commercial in confidence" to be the basis of a national radioactive waste management strategy.
The secretive process by which Muckaty was chosen is out of step with growing international support for genuine community consultation and consent in decisions about nuclear facilities, as articulated by the UK Committee on Radioactive Waste Management in 2007: "There is growing recognition that it is ethically unacceptable to impose a radioactive waste facility on an unwilling community."
Imposing radioactive waste on the lands of indigenous people in the 21st Century is not responsible management. It is shameful political expedience.
There are a number of furphies about radioactive waste in Australia. One furphy says because this nuclear waste is "low" and "intermediate" level it is not harmful to humans.
There is no "safe" level of exposure to ionising radiation. This waste may be produced in hospitals and university laboratories, but it is still radioactive and needs to be shielded from humans and the environment.
If it leaks and gets into the air or water table it is dangerous to humans. It emits radiation and can, therefore, cause fatal cancers and other diseases.
Another furphy is that access to nuclear medicine in Australia is dependent on putting a nuclear waste dump in the NT.
This is an emotive and improper link. Medical experts – including nuclear medicine practitioners – confirm that Australians can continue to have unimpeded access to diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicines without the need for this dump.
Another furphy is that of urgency. Ferguson argues that we need to move urgently on radioactive waste because "time is not on our side". With 95 per cent of Australia's radioactive waste in secure storage in two dedicated Commonwealth facilities it is hard to see Ferguson's case for urgency.
A more sensible approach, given the length of time radioactive waste remains a direct hazard, would be to take the time needed to get the policy architecture right.
The ethical, democratic and effective way to choose nuclear waste storage sites is based on voluntary consent, transparency and democratic dialogue, features missing in Ferguson's plans.
As our political leaders position themselves for the election it is time for the Rudd government to honour its 2007 election commitment on radioactive waste.
It is time for politicians to stop playing political football with a human and environmental threat that will last far beyond their limited tenure.
Dave Sweeney is a nuclear free campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation.