Nuclear waste dump report flawed whitewash, Greens say
Andrea Hayward
A Senate report backing the federal government's plan to establish a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory has been labelled by critics as flawed and a whitewash.
The federal government is considering Muckaty Station, near Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, for a facility that would store low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste.
The national radioactive waste management bill has been examined by the legal and constitutional affairs legislation committee to repeal the waste act and substitute a new process to select a site for radioactive waste.
The report, released late on Friday, recommends Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson consult all parties with an interest in, or who would be affected by, a decision to select the Muckaty Station site as the location for the dump.
Australian Greens nuclear spokesman Scott Ludlam said the government had used a Labor-led Senate committee to whitewash a report into its plan to establish the nation's first radioactive waste site.
"This makes a mockery of the Senate's role to scrutinise important legislation," Mr Ludlam said in a statement on Friday.
"Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming to actually hold an inquiry and refused to hold a hearing at Tennant Creek, the major town near the only nominated site, Muckaty Station," he said.
"Now, it's used its Labor majority committee to ignore the overwhelming evidence from over 230 submissions to rubber stamp its plan to impose this controversial waste dump on an unwilling community."
The land was nominated by the Ngapa traditional owners, one of five family groups who are custodians of the land.
But others oppose the dump.
Traditional owners who oppose its location have flagged legal action, saying they were excluded from the process.
Mr Ludlam said there had been no procedural fairness or judicial review from the Muckaty nomination.
He said it also over-rode state and territory laws, Aboriginal heritage and environmental protection laws.
"Something as important as building a nuclear waste dump should be done through a proper scientific, accountable, transport and consultative process, as Labor promised," Mr Ludlam said.
Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) nuclear-free spokesman Dave Sweeney said the Muckaty plan was in conflict with Labor's policy ahead of the 2007 federal election.
"If Labor pursue down the path they are going, what they are doing is actively using the same policy agenda and the same techniques as the Howard government used for radioactive management," Mr Sweeney told AAP.
The Senate committee had acknowledged it had not seen the government's agreement with the Northern Land Council but it used the same secret agreement to justify the claim the nomination of Muckaty was voluntary, Mr Sweeney said.
"There's no other OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) nation that in 2010 would be starting a national radioactive waste management system based on such a flawed set of understandings," he said.
"The proposed National Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2010 removes procedural fairness and appeal rights from the Muckaty community, suspends the application for key indigenous and environmental protections and over-rides all Commonwealth, state and territory laws that might delay or frustrate the opening of a waste dump."
The ACF would pursue a full range of options to stop the nuclear waste dump, including legal action, Mr Sweeney said.