Greens welcome investigation of NT waste dump legal options

Senator Scott Ludlam
The Australian Greens

The Australian Greens have welcomed a statement by prominent human rights lawyers George Newhouse and Stephen Leonard that options are being investigated for a legal challenge to the Government's flawed proposal to dump radioactive waste in the Northern Territory.

"Human Rights and environmental lawyers from around the country agree there may be a case to mount a challenge," said Greens spokesperson on nuclear issues, Senator Scott Ludlam.

"This is the path of the Government's choosing: conflict instead of consent."

"We've been waiting more than two years for this government to fulfil its election promise to put in place a scientific, accountable and consultative process to deal with this long term issue. Instead we've seen Labor ramp up efforts to force a dump on an unwilling community.

"It is important that all legal avenues are investigated, and I hope the Senate committee due to visit Darwin next week will assist those efforts," Senator Ludlam said.

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