Govt admits six jobs will be created at Muckaty waste dump
The Senate Inquiry into the Commonwealth Government's radioactive waste dump legislation has heard a total of six jobs will be created at a future Muckaty Station nuclear dump, near Tennant Creek.
"This puts to rest the myth that somehow this waste dump will create benefits for Aboriginal people or the wider Tennant Creek community," said Senator Scott Ludlam, Greens spokesperson on nuclear issues.
"Under questioning today the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism admitted the main positions after initial construction will be six security personnel guarding the dump around the clock. They also left open the possibility of a counter terrorism unit being stationed at the site.
"The other great fiction dispelled was Labor's claim that judicial fairness has been reestablished, as its new bill won't actually apply to Muckaty at all because it was nominated before the new regime was put in place.
"This shows just how disingenuous Labor has been. It's time Resources Minister Ferguson listened to the overwhelming evidence and the more than 228 submissions to this inquiry, who are opposed to the way Muckaty was nominated.
"It's widely accepted the proces was flawed and the only way forward now is for Muckaty to be scrapped and a new process installed that is truly transparent and accountable, and all Australians can have faith in," Senator Ludlam said.