Legal action against Muckaty waste dump reveals Labor government failure

Beyond Nuclear Initiative
Media Release

A federal court challenge has been lodged today against the planned radioactive waste dump at Muckaty Station, on Warlmanpa land in the Northern Territory.

Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) spokesperson Natalie Wasley says the action is an unfortunate but necessary next step for the community opposing the dump and indicates the ALP has failed to implement key promises on radioactive waste management.

“In the lead up to the 2007 election, the ALP promised a method of radioactive waste management that was fair, open, transparent and accountable. However, after almost a whole term in office, the only action taken by Minister Martin Ferguson has been to recycle and repackage the Howard government’s legislation and narrow his sights on the unwilling community at Muckaty”.

“Minister Ferguson has been secretive, bullish and dismissive of Traditional Owner concerns and correspondence.”

Ms Wasley added “For the last four years, Muckaty Traditional Owners have also made representations to the Northern Land Council (NLC) to say they do not want the dump to go ahead anywhere in the Muckaty Land Trust.”

“Traditional Owners sought independent legal advice as they have not had legal support from the NLC and people opposing the dump have been labeled ‘dissident individuals’.” 

Prominent human rights Lawyer George Newhouse, who is representing Muckaty Traditional Owners, said “The Traditional Aboriginal owners of Muckaty are some of the most vulnerable people in this country.” 

“The Northern Land Council and the Commonwealth have a moral and legal duty to look after and protect the interests of the Indigenous people affected by the proposed dump. The most basic principles of justice and fairness do not appear to have been applied in this case” Mr Newhouse concluded.

Ms Wasley continued, “It is unfortunate that court action has had to be instigated, but it shows the determination of Traditional Owners to fight any way necessary to protect their land from a federal radioactive dump”.

The Beyond Nuclear Initiative will continue to support Traditional Owners opposing the imposition of the radioactive dump at Muckaty and calls upon the federal government to repeal the Muckaty site nomination when the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act is overturned. 

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