Labor missed chance on nuclear dump: CLP
The Northern Territory Opposition says the Henderson Government missed a golden opportunity during the Prime Minister's visit to take a stance against a nuclear waste dump being built in the Territory.
The Federal Government wants a national radioactive waste repository at Muckaty Station, near Tennant Creek.
Chief Minister Paul Henderson and Treasurer Delia Lawrie met with Julia Gillard in Darwin yesterday.
A spokeswoman for the Territory Government last night told the ABC the nuclear storage issue was mentioned but was not discussed in detail.
Country Liberals leader Terry Mills says the Territory Government's rhetoric of not wanting the waste dump does not match its actions.
"Not to even discuss this matter, which they say is important, is not only a missed opportunity but is an abrogation of your very credibility as a leader," Mr Mills said.
Today, Ms Lawrie said Muckaty Station "was top of the agenda" during discussions with Ms Gillard yesterday.
"[It was] a very strong reiteration from the Chief Minister," she said.
"We remain adamantly opposed to a unilateral decision to put a nuclear waste facility at Muckaty."
During her visit to Darwin yesterday, Ms Gillard said arrangements made under Kevin Rudd's leadership will remain in place
"We need as a nation to solve the problem of where we will store low and medium level waste," Ms Gillard said.
"That waste is generated in processes valuable to the whole community, like nuclear medicine.
"There is a further process to go through in relation to Muckaty and we will go through that process."