Crossin rules out change to nuke dump stance
Northern Territory Labor Senator Trish Crossin says her party's decision to build a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory will not change if it is returned to government.
The Government wants to locate the dump at Muckaty Station, north of Tennant Creek.
Some traditional owners want the nomination withdrawn and have launched a legal challenge in the Federal Court.
Senator Trish Crossin says the Government's position is clear.
"My preference has always been that we would - and we argued this in caucus, a number of us - that we would take this out for a national nomination process again," she said.
"That wasn't successful.
"So at the end of the day what we've now got is a party position, legislation in the Government that proceeds with Muckaty Station."
Country Liberals Senator Nigel Scullion says it is not too late to reconsider the most appropriate location for the waste dump.
"It's still not too late to put it in South Australia now," he said.
"It's always been our policy that it should go in the best place that it should go.
"It's only the Labor Government in South Australia that changed that and so it hasn't actually been started being built.
"I've always maintained that right up until the first piece of concrete goes down and it's insufficient to change our minds I would maintain that."