Store nuclear waste at source, not in NT: Brown
Greens leader Bob Brown says he expects support for his party to increase in the Territory because both major parties are in favour of building a national nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station.
After launching the Greens campaign in the Territory, Senator Brown has called for nuclear waste to be stored where it is produced, such as Lucas Heights in Sydney.
"That is the rule - you produce the waste, you deal with it, don't dump it on somebody else," he said.
"There has never been an effort to build into the Lucas Heights facility the storage of waste.
"They've got it sitting there in drums at the moment and certainly they want to transport that across the country to the Territory because the problem gets bigger every day."
He says only the Greens offer a different stance on the proposed nuclear waste site.
"If people vote for Labor they'll get a nuclear waste dump," he said.
"If people vote for the Coalition they'll get a nuclear waste dump.
"If people vote for the Greens they'll have a voice against that nuclear waste dump, and a very vigorous one, in the national Parliament."
Senator Brown says it is only a matter of time before Australia's first nuclear waste dump stores high level waste from overseas.
"Wait for it, it will become high level further down the line as the waste problem for China, for the US, for the USSR ,as it used to be, Russia, for Europe, for Taiwan.
"Bigger and bigger down the line."
He has conceded it would be a major upset for the Greens' Northern Territory Senate candidate, musician Warren H. Williams, to get elected.
Senator Brown says he only got 499 votes when he first stood for the Senate in Tasmania, so the Greens are used to starting small.
The Greens candidate for Solomon, Emma Young, says she has little chance of winning the seat but hopes her campaign will increase the Greens vote.