Chief Minister welcomes Greens' dump stance

Jane Bardon
ABC NT Local News

 Chief Minister Paul Henderson has welcomed the Greens' promise to try to stop a proposed nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station if the party claims the balance of power in the Senate.

The Greens say it is unfair that both major parties support imposing a nuclear waste dump on the Territory by using constitutional power to override a Territory law that aims to stop the dump.

Greens leader Bob Brown says his party would try to ensure that any federal decision to override Territory law would have to be ratified by both houses of Parliament.

Mr Henderson says it is a good idea.

"I think that that suggestion by Bob Brown is a good suggestion," he said.

"I've always said that laws that impact the people of the Northern Territory should be made in the Northern Territory.

"And the Federal Parliament certainly shouldn't be able to impose a nuclear waste dump on the Northern Territory without the Territory Government's support."

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