Touched by Territory

Daniel Bouchier
NT News

SOLOMON MP Natasha Griggs has an unexpected fan in muso John Butler.

Butler commented on the conservative first-time parliamentarian after his epic performance in Darwin on the weekend.

After he was told Griggs said on ABC's Stateline she was prepared to cross the floor on controversial issues that would have a negative effect on the Territory - such as the proposed nuclear waste dump at Muckaty - Butler's eyes lit up.

"I like what she's saying," Butler told ConfideNTial.

He was upset at the idea the Federal Government would forge ahead with the plan despite serious opposition from traditional owners and the Barkly community.

But he was clearly heartened to hear at least one member of parliament was prepared to oppose the plan.

"I think the minute you enter the Territory, you feel another rhythm and another time, you cannot help but be touched by the land, when you come up here, it smells different, it looks different, and it feels different, it's kind of all encompassing," he said.

"It makes me want to stay, every time I fly in to this place, I just want to get a 4WD and drive ... go bush.

"To stay here for a day is a bit of a tease."

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