Quick and dirty report won't solve long and dirty problem of nuclear waste
A parliamentary report containing a single recommendation - that the House of Representatives pass the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill - has failed to address the Bill's serious deficiencies, the Australian Conservation Foundation said today.
The parliamentary inquiry was set up to facilitate the quick passage of the legislation necessary for Resources Minister Martin Ferguson to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.
"This inquiry had no public input, only took evidence from the project proponents and failed to provide procedural fairness to affected landowners," said ACF nuclear free campaigner Dave Sweeney.
"The proposed law removes appeal rights from the Muckaty community, suspends key Indigenous and environmental protections and overrides all Commonwealth, State and Territory laws that might delay or frustrate the opening of a waste dump.
"It is not based on good science and does not follow a robust, open, transparent process.
"This inquiry is a quick and dirty attempt to solve a long and dirty problem.
"The timing appears a cynical attempt to further avoid public scrutiny as the inquiry was not required to report until late March 2011.
"There is no reasonable rationale for putting out this report three days before Christmas, especially given that the federal court is set to consider this issue in January.
"The Federal Government should stop pushing the contested Muckaty dump plan and establish an independent and public review of nuclear waste management options based on best science, transparent process and community inclusion and consent.
"ACF will continue to work with the Traditional Owners and other concerned Australians to oppose Minister Ferguson's plans to impose a nuclear waste dump on the community at Muckaty as such an approach is neither responsible nor credible."