Anti-nuclear protestors make their point at Minister's Preston office

Preston Leader

PROTESTORS campaigning against a nuclear waste repository in the Northern Territory staged a mock radioactive waste spill outside the Preston office of Batman federal Labor MP Martin Ferguson.

The High St office of the Energy and Resources Minister was shut while environmental campaigners took centre stage, accompanied by a giant inflatable white elephant and a Ferguson impersonator sporting a papier-mache head.

The protest is part of a campaign against the Federal Government’s proposed National Radioactive Waste management bill, which could lead to nuclear waste being trucked through north-west Victoria and disposed in a nuclear waste facility in Muckaty.

Mr Ferguson said he wasn’t concerned by the protest, which he said was a regular, “monthly” occurrence.

“It is my job. I’m not going to back off,” he said.

Parliament is expected to vote on the Bill early this year.

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