Brown's new bill to boost NT's Power

Conor Byrne
NT News

THE Federal Labor and Greens parties are supporting a Bill that would strengthen the power of the NT.

The Private Member's Bill, which Greens Party leader Senator Bob Brown will propose tomorrow, would enable the NT, ACT and Norfolk Island to make laws without the possibility of being overruled by Federal Parliament.

Mr Brown said he has government support and ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope has asked all federal MPs to support the Bill.

The Bill does not repeal euthanasia Acts or laws, including the NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995, which was overturned by the federal government in 1997.

But it does give the NT Legislative Assembly powers to revisit the issue. Still Chief Minister Paul Henderson has said he has no intention of reinstating euthanasia in the Territory.

The power, under the Territories Act, was most recently used in 2006 to overturn same-sex marriage legislation in ACT.

Mr Brown said the Bill would restore the constitutional basis for the elected assemblies, if passed.

Territory laws could only be quashed by a vote of both federal Houses, he said.

Separately, Greens Party Senator Scott Ludham has called for federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson to be stripped of responsibility for radioactive waste management.

The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill, which would allow a national nuclear waste dump to be built at Muckaty Station, north of Tennant Creek, last week passed through the Lower House.

Mr Ludlam said nuclear waste had been in the jurisdiction of successive science ministers for decades before 2007.

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