NT nuclear dump plans face fresh challenge

Lindsay Murdoch
The Age


DOCUMENTS unearthed in the National Archives challenge the Gillard government's push to build a nuclear waste dump on disputed Aboriginal land near Tennant Creek, lawyers say.


Martin Hyde, senior associate of the law firm Maurice Blackburn, says the discovery of documents showing that one Aboriginal family group does not exclusively own the land raises serious questions about the nomination of the site by the Northern Land Council.


''This is vital information for the case,'' said Mr Hyde, referring to a challenge to the nomination by Aboriginal traditional owners in the Federal Court.

Kim Hill, the land council's chief executive, said the claim that the documents contained fresh evidence was misleading because the documents relating to an Aboriginal Land Commissioner hearing in the 1990s were considered by the council when nominating the site in 2007.

Tomorrow, the Senate is due to debate the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill, which, if passed, will open the way for the government to build the dump on Muckaty Station, 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

Yesterday, Aborigines who oppose building the dump on Muckaty and environmentalists from around Australia staged a symbolic blocking of a bridge near Tennant Creek to signal that they would blockade the site if the dump was built there.

Aboriginal elders have warned of inter-clan clashes in Tennant Creek, a town already struggling to cope with alcohol-related violence, if the dump is built on Muckaty.

Under a deal with the council, the family of Amy Lauder will receive $12 million from the government, most if it in cash.

Despite opposition from the Greens, the bill appears certain to pass because the Coalition supports the legislation.

Mr Hyde said the unearthed documents show the Muckaty site is not exclusively owned by Ms Lauder's family, as claimed by the land council.

He said they also reveal that the council's own anthropological experts tendered evidence before the Aboriginal Land Commissioner showing that Muckaty was owned by three family sub-groups.

''The Muckaty Station nomination is untenable in light of the National Archive documents,'' said Mr Hyde, adding that the legal challenge would continue regardless of the passage of the legislation.

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