Palmerston Mayor nuclear fallout with Federal Government
The Mayor of Palmerston has strong concerns over the transportation of radioactive nuclear waste from Darwin Port through his community
The proposed nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station is around 800 kilometres south-east of Palmerston, yet Palmerston Mayor Robert McLeod is very concerned about its impact.
If the dump site goes ahead, radioactive waste from other states and overseas is likely to be transported through Palmerston.
Looking at proposed transport routes, Mayor McLeod says the current recommendations from Linfox and Toll to the government would see waste transported in 20 foot containers either by rail or road from East Arm Port down the Stuart Highway.
Either way, the Palmerston Mayor is concerned that neither the Territory or Federal government have consulted Palmerston Council so far.
"At this stage the Federal Government hasn't spoken to anyone within regards to moving stuff throughout our municipality."
"I want to make sure it's safe for our people in Palmerston - are the vehicles marked, are they escorted, where are the regular stop points along the Stuart highway, will the community be pre-warned?
"All of that is a concern. It's something that we're not used to having moved through our location.
"We just want to make sure it is safe."
The Palmerston council has passed a motion for the Mayor to approach Energy Minister Martin Ferguson.
Robert McLeod will be writing to the minister and meeting with him in Canberra this June to raise his concerns.
The Energy Minister Martin Ferguson says no decisions have been made about transporting nuclear waste at this stage.
Strict requirements under the act will ensure that a proper process will be undertaken to assess all the logistics.