Indigenous groups protest nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station

Greg Muller
ABC Bush Telegraph

A proposed nuclear waste dump at the former Muckaty station, near Tennant Creek, has divided Indigenous communities.

The dump site was originally nominated by the Northern Land Council to the Howard Government in 2007 with the support of members of one of the Warlmumpa clans.

But members of the other six clans oppose the plan.

Since 1999 this land has been owned by Muckaty Aboriginal Corporation.

Aborigines and environmentalists opposed to the dump staged a protest last weekend blocking a bridge near Tennant Creek with a seven-metre high inflatable drum marked 'radioactive'.

The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill will go to the Senate this week and, if passed, will allow the government to build the dump. The bill has already passed the lower house and has bi-partisan support.

Traditional owners have begun a challenge to the dump in the Federal Court.

In this report: Michael Cathcart talks to Diane Stokes, Warlmumpa woman, traditional owner of Muckaty; Scott Ludlam, Greens Senator for WA

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