Nuclear waste dump opponents rally
A Northern Territory Labor Minister has called on his federal colleagues to abandon plans to set up a nuclear waste storage facility in the Northern Territory.
Member for Barkly Gerry McCarthy was one of about 50 people who staged an anti-nuclear dump protest outside Parliament House in Darwin this afternoon.
Mr McCarthy says a federal court challenge to the Muckaty Station nomination shows the site is in dispute among Aboriginal clan groups and the nomination should be withdrawn.
Traditional owners, environmentalists and trade unionists called on federal politicians to block a bill before the Senate, which would allow a waste dump to be built at Muckaty Station, about 100 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.
"It is a muddy space, it has been poorly managed and I suggest that we go back to the drawing board," Mr McCarthy said.
"Going back to the drawing board means going to visit the community that is most affected.
"That will put some real sanity into the debate, because this is an issue for Australia and Australia's first nuclear waste management facility."
Lorna Fejo told the crowd she was a traditional owner from the Muckaty Station area and she was against a waste dump.
"I am a traditional owner of Muckaty by acceptance to the land, the law and the culture, and I say no to Muckaty being used as a dump," she said.