Muckaty nuclear dump bill likely to pass Senate

ABC News Online

Laws to set up a nuclear waste storage facility in the Northern Territory are likely to be approved by the Senate this week, despite calls from senators for the debate to be put on hold.

The Government wants to build a national radioactive waste facility at Muckaty Station in the NT.

Under the legislation the traditional owners of the land must nominate the site but a Federal Court is yet to determine who they are.

The bill also allows for alternative sites if the Muckaty Station nomination does not go ahead.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has told the Senate the vote on the bill should be delayed until the court case has finished.

Senator Xenophon says the issue is live before the courts and cannot be ignored.

"The Senate should wait until the Federal Court has made its findings as to whether those who claim to be the owners of Muckaty Station, who volunteered the site, are the correct parties to do so," he said.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam also said debate should be delayed.

"A dump that will be there for thousands of years," he said.

But inside the Senate, Labor's Trish Crossin rejected suggestions the dump was being imposed on traditional owners.

She says a waste dump can only be established if the traditional owners nominate their land.

"Some would claim, of course, that the Government is disregarding the rights of traditional owners by seeking to actually enforce the nuclear waste being stored at Muckaty Station," she said.

"Well it's wrong and under this bill the Government cannot impose a facility on any one community ... a site must be volunteered for consideration."

Traditional owners and green groups travelled to Canberra to rally against the bill.

Kylie Sambo, a young Aboriginal woman from the Muckaty Station area, says the dump will poison the land.

"I really don't want the waste dump to come to our country because I love it, because I love my family and I love my country so much that I don't want it to come there," she said.

"It's a poison and it's just very disappointing to hear they are going to have it there."

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