Canberra dangles $10m nuclear waste dump carrot

Anna Henderson and Louise Willis
ABC News Online

The Federal Government has made an agreement with the Opposition that will pave the way for Australia's first national radioactive waste dump.

The Radioactive Waste Management Bill is listed for debate in the Senate today.

Northern Territory Country Liberals Senator Nigel Scullion says he has secured Labor support for a minimum $10 million fund that would be paid to the jurisdiction that accepts the facility.

Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says the Government is prepared to support the Opposition plan.

"There is an agreement between the Coalition and the Government as to a responsibilities to store our waste in a proper way, that is accountable to the community," he said.

Senator Scullion says, while the legislation does not target the Territory, he thinks it is likely the waste disposal facility will be built there.

"This fund will enable the Territory, where it is very difficult to raise large amounts of money, (to do work) in areas like nuclear medicine and oncology," he said.

"(These) do cost an awful lot of money and we can ensure that Territorians are getting the very best, the same as any other Australians."

The Greens want the legislation delayed.

They say details surrounding the Government's preferred site of Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory have not been finalised.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says it is wrong to proceed while Indigenous groups wage a court battle over ownership of the land.

"I think it is totally inappropriate that the Bill is before the Senate while the Government doesn't yet know whose land they are dealing with," he said.

"There is a very serious challenge by the traditional owners of the Barkly region, a challenge to the Federal Government and to the Northern Land Council.

"They are basically saying they had no right to give up the land in the first place.

"I find it offensive."

A lawyer representing Aboriginal traditional owners in the Barkly area says the proposed law would deny them procedural fairness if a Federal Court of Australia challenge succeeds.

George Newhouse says the law explicitly mentions the nomination of Muckaty Station.

"If the government was to start again and look for a new site, then individual communities would have the right to have their say in that decision," he said.

"But Muckaty (people) are being discriminated against, because they can no longer re-open the decision about whether to nominate their land as a site for the nuclear waste dump."

Mr Newhouse says if the court challenge succeeds, the government would have to rethink its strategies.

"Well, the minister has said he will respect the decision of the court," he said.

"So, essentially, they will have to go back to the beginning and start all over again searching for a site for a nuclear waste dump."

Traditional owner Penelope Phillips says the nuclear waste dump legislation should not be debated in the Senate.

"They shouldn't just debate it or pass the new law on the waste dump while the court case is happening," she said.

"They should respect the court and respect the traditional owners for saying no from the beginning, from the very start."

The Environment Centre NT says Senator Scullion has reneged on a promise by now wanting to see nuclear waste dump legislation passed.

Centre director Stuart Blanch says Senator Scullion should have never let the Coalition strike a deal with the Government giving the host state or territory a $10 million fund for improved services.

"Nigel Scullion is representing Canberra's views to the Territory," he said.

"He is not representing Territorians' views to Canberra.

"Nigel clearly said five years ago or so: 'A nuclear waste dump will not happen in the Territory on my watch'."

"Nigel is placing Canberra's interests ahead of the Territory's."

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