NT nuclear waste dump war of words heats up

Bridget Brennan
ABC News Online

Northern Territory Labor Senator Trish Crossin says legislation paving the way for Australia's first radioactive waste dump must pass quickly.

Court action by a group of Aboriginal traditional owners challenging the nomination of Muckaty Station in the Territory to host the dump is yet to be finalised.

But Senator Crossin says the legislation is not dependant on the outcome of the court case.

"What we have said though is that Muckaty is the preferred site, and that we will wait the outcome of that court case before we actually move on implementing what is in the legislation in terms of actually identifying a site," she said.

Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson says he if offended by a Federal Government offer to give the Northern Territory $10 million if it accepts a nuclear waste dump.

Country Liberals Senator Nigel Scullion has struck a deal with the Government to accept two amendments to laws that would allow a dump to be built at Muckaty Station.

One amendment creates a $10 million fund for health education and infrastructure for the jurisdiction that accepts the waste facility.

Mr Henderson says it is a thinly-veiled bribe.

"I just find, as the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, a $10 million bone being thrown to us to try and get us to roll over, as being offensive," he said.

But Sentor Crossin has rejected Mr Henderson's complaints.

"It is not a bribe to the Territory Government," she said.

"It is actually saying that, in recognition for having this facility in your state or territory, this is the benefit you will get.

"Initially, it is funded by the Federal Government, but then if other states want to put their nuclear waste in the Commonwealth facility, they will pay for that privilege."

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