NT step closer to nuclear waste dump

Jano Gibson
ABC Lateline

EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: A national nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory is a step closer. The Senate today passed the Radioactive Waste Management Bill sparking howls of anger from traditional owners and the Territory Government. But the only nominated site, Muckaty Station, remains in doubt, as traditional owners continue a legal challenge. Jano Gibson reports.

JANO GIBSON, REPORTER: The sounds of protest could be heard from the Red Centre...

PROTESTER: Don't waste the Territory!

JANO GIBSON: ...to the nation's capital.

PROTESTER: Always will be Aboriginal land!

JANO GIBSON: But it made little difference on the Senate floor.

JOHN HOGG, PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE: Order. There being 52 ayes, 10 noes the matter is resolved in the affirmative.

JANO GIBSON: It paves the way for Australia's home-grown radioactive waste to be stored in a purpose-built national repository.

TRISH CROSSIN, LABOR SENATOR: We've got Commonwealth radioactive waste stored in lots of places around this country. We need to put it together in one spot.

JANO GIBSON: The most likely destination is Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory.

PAUL HENDERSON, NT CHIEF MINISTER: The Federal Parliament has once again trampled over the rights of Territorians.

SCOTT LUDLUM, GREENS SENATOR: Under no circumstances do we think this stuff should be put on trucks and dumped on a cattle station and abandoned.

JANO GIBSON: Muckaty Station was nominated by members of the Napa clan, but other traditional owners opposed to the dump are heartbroken by today's news. They vowed to continue their fight in the Federal Court.

DAVE SWEENEY, AUST. CONSERVATION FOUNDATION: Now, whilst the judge and jury are literally out, the Government should not be in. This is an absolute fast-tracking.

JANO GIBSON: If the court case succeeds, the site of Australia's radioactive waste dump will again be up for nomination.

SCOTT LUDLUM: People around the country should know when the Muckaty nomination falls over, somebody else's block will be in the firing line.

JANO GIBSON: And wherever that ends up being the State or Territory Government will get a $10 million medical fund, thanks to a deal brokered by the Coalition.

NIGEL SCULLIONS, COUNTRY LIBERALS SENATOR: If it's the Northern Territory, it will allow the Northern Territory to ensure that they have well-trained staff to use at the oncology centre.

JANO GIBSON: But until the outcome of the court case, nothing is certain.

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