Nuclear waste headed to South Australia - Greens

NT News

THE Greens say the South Australian Government has abandoned its tough stand against the transport of nuclear waste through the state.

Greens MP Mark Parnell said former Premier Mike Rann won a High Court challenge against Howard government plans to locate a nuclear waste dump in SA.

Mr Rann also opposed the transport of nuclear waste through the state to a proposed dump in the Northern Territory.

Federal parliament yesterday passed a Bill authorising the NT dump and Mr Parnell said the State Government now appeared to accept nuclear waste from the Lucas Heights reactor in Sydney would travel through SA.

He said the Government told the SA upper house that it expected the Federal Government would enter into discussions and keep the state fully informed of any future transport of significant quantities of radioactive waste.

"This transport is completely unnecessary," Mr Parnell said today.

"Even if you accept the need to build a waste-storage facility in the Northern Territory, which the Greens totally reject, the most direct route from Lucas Heights to the NT is nowhere near South Australia."

Mr Parnell said in 2009 a federal government report found that transporting waste through SA was an option that would avoid the emotive idea of taking it through the Blue Mountains.

But he said if the waste came through SA it would travel through Australia's food bowl and tourist areas such as the SA Riverland.

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